I *think* it is a USB driver issue but I'm not sure the USB driver "handshaking" with the profiler software perhaps. if you invoke the profiler software (if it is in memory at all), then Operating System restarts and shutdowns are VERY SLOW. There is an annoying problem under Vista, at least on my machine and I know at least with some other users. basically you DELETE the default definition of PINKIE = SHIFT). the explanation is complicated, but if you carefully read the docs, you will find it. IF you run WITH a profile, then the pinkie switch is a "SHIFT" key by default (but you can defeat that in a profile.

If you run the Saitek X-52 PRO *WITHOUT* a profile, in other words "just a stick with digital buttons, no definitions", then the pinkie switch WILL register as a button that can be seen by games. *GRRR* And I'd been unhappy with M$ because they didn't support Sidewinder Forcefeedback 2 anymore - they only deliver basic control panels which won't configure properly under Vista and simply cause random behaviour under XP. Customer support also claims that it's not a problem if the controller software does neither support S3 sleep nor hibernate under Vista and that bluescreens (BSOD) are not important enough to fix them. Customer support claims they're like a hard modelled shift button which cannot be reassigned. The control panel does record that button (as well as the "i" button) but both are not usable for games here. However, I find it strange that you've been able to assign the pinkie - how did you do that? It won't register in oolite for me.

Why not a profile? That way I can now also switch the cargo to dump, switch between scanner resolutions (works better than with normal keyboard!), jump, toggle cloak, toggle MASC, toggle turrets Every possible function that can be assigned in-game has been assigned to just the joystick. JeffBTX wrote:ere is an example I did this for Oolite.